The 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic was this year on April 15th. The ship collided with an iceburg on April 15th 1912 after beginning of its maiden (and only) voyage. On this maiden voyage there were more than two thousand passangers and eight hundred crew members. The over-estimation and title as the unsinkable ship may have created an unhealthy arrogance that led to this disaster. The lack of lifeboats, in favor of looking aesthetically pleasing and adhering to the upper classes' taste for the extravagant.
At the same time, however, the Titanic was image of technological innovation. The artistry that was put into the different areas of the ship and the group of people that came together to construct this mammoth of a ship. Despite its tragic end it is important respect and honor those that spent their time working on the ship. The reality, though, is that there were many people lost in this tragedy due to human error. It is an important lesson to recognize in future ventures and scientific discoveries.
Of the 2224 passengers aboard the ship on its maiden voyage, only 32% managed to get to a life boat and survive. The problem with the situation was that there was only enough room for a little over 50% of the passengers and crew members. The panic of the situation made it even more difficult to ensure that more survived.
There are numerous books and stories surrounding the sinking of the Titanic. It is an event that has stirred curiosity in people for a century and will most likely continue to intrigue people and increase awareness and knowledge of safety boats.
To find more information about the Titanic, its crew, and those who perished in its demise check your local library. More information can also be Found at the website and others.
The Buzz Feed
A blog for news commentary, literature reviews, and information on education process.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
A Bit More Personal
I recognize that I've missed a blog post this week, but its understandable for me. I've been sick and have needed to recuperate this week along with changes in relationships. The hardest part of a relationship that isn't working is ending it. For the week I want to just highlight on the importance of reassessing relationships as they move forward, making sure that it is working and that if it isn't trying to work it out.
At the same time however, if you are in a possessive or abusive relationship it is vital to recognize this and leave the relationship as soon as possible.I know this isn't exactly my topic for the blog but I figure I'd give some explanation for why I haven't posted this week. I admit, its hard for me right now and I know that by ending it I am closing a door, burning a bridge, however you want to say it. I think it was the right thing to do though, even though it was hard and even though I doubted myself. In the end what matters is respecting the other person and not leading them on.
Posts Coming Up:
100th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic on 4/16 at 2:20am
Anniversary of Columbine on 4/19 11:59pm
Sexism in Gaming on 4/17
At the same time however, if you are in a possessive or abusive relationship it is vital to recognize this and leave the relationship as soon as possible.I know this isn't exactly my topic for the blog but I figure I'd give some explanation for why I haven't posted this week. I admit, its hard for me right now and I know that by ending it I am closing a door, burning a bridge, however you want to say it. I think it was the right thing to do though, even though it was hard and even though I doubted myself. In the end what matters is respecting the other person and not leading them on.
Posts Coming Up:
100th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic on 4/16 at 2:20am
Anniversary of Columbine on 4/19 11:59pm
Sexism in Gaming on 4/17
Monday, April 2, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Geogre Clooney is Arrested? Does this help?
George Clooney is Arrested?
I'm well aware that this has become old news by the time this was posted but a still important issue to cover. George Clooney was arrested... but why is that important again? He's just another movie star. According to the Washington Post Clooney was arrested during a protest against the government of Sudan for its treatment of its citizens. Well Clooney, you did the right thing getting arrested because people just love hearing about celebrities getting arrested, just look at Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Brittany Spears. Anyways, back to Clooney. According to the Washington Post:
On March 14, he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee claiming the Sudanese government was killing its own people and blocking aid to the Nuba mountains and the Blue Nile regions. That evening, he was among the guests invited by President Barack Obama to a state dinner honoring U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron.
“The south has all of its oil and the north has the pipelines and refineries,” he told senators. “For years, the north has been taking the oil and keeping most of the profits, flying bombs and rockets and using them on Darfur, the Blue Nile, Abyei, and the Nuba mountains.”
Beyond that much of the colonization within Africa has set up a situation in which corrupt governments have an easy way to take control. Not all African countries are like that but many of them are. If there is a problem on the horizon that can be dealt with to ease the suffering nothing is done, for example the East Africa Famine had prevented warning signs that officials ignored. For those of you much like myself who aren't entirely familiar with the map of Africa here is one:
Beyond the problems that Clooney had highlighted in his comments there has been mass genoicde within the region of Darfur that may bring back memories of the holocaust. To provide help for those who need it or for more information please go to one of these sites:
News Article Quoted:
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Hunger Games Book Review
Witht he upcoming release of the movie the Hunger Games releasing on March 23rd and based on the book by Suzanne Collins I've decided to do a book review. I have yet to finish the second two in the series due to school and work which have begun to take up my time.
Character development: 5/5
Character development in this book is excellent, you are truly able to see the characters progress through the novel. There are a few flaws within the book itself, like any other book, but the depth of character is a star feature to it.
Plot Originality: 3/5
The plot is well made but is not the newest plot on the market. I am highly cynical about new and improved plots coming out that aren't seemingly repeating previous plots. This type of plot, however, is one of my favorites. A corrupt government in control of its citizens. Other books like this include Brave New World and 1984.
Writing Style: 5/5
The writing is excellent with no blinding repetitions that are seen in many of the other young adult novels these days. For instance in the Twilight Saga the author frequent repeats specific phrases and characters are wearing the same tacky clothing. In the Hunger Games however these repetitions in taste seem reasonable due to the economic status that they live in.
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5
Since I have a difficult time reading most of the time I was surprised when I couldn't put this book down. There have been other books like this but it is a rare find. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in a good read.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Toyota: Unintend Acceleration
Given that the USA Today, CNN, NewYork Times and multiple other publications have released information that the problem with the gas pedal and acceleration has still gone unchecked is a warning sign for Toyota. The continued blame on customers will create disloyalty and people will slowly no longer buy those cars. According to Paul A. Eisenstein from MSNBC:
After having a Toyota myself (1998 Toyota Camry) and experienced an accident while driving I know that they are safe, particularly during collisions. The recent news of the unsolved mystery of the acceleration cases has me questioning whether I would even consider purchasing a Toyota in the future. At the current rate, I will stick with either Volkswagen or Volvo.
Further Reading: Toyota Memo Acceleration Concerns, Drivers Again Faulted Over Toyota Acceleration, OPINION: Toyota's Acceleration Problem, Driver error found in some Toyota acceleration cases, Toyota Acceleration Problem is Still Unresolved
Toyota Recalls:
Safety Recall
Pedal Recall
A two-year study looking for possible causes behind Toyota’s rash of unintended acceleration issues has put primary blame on driver error — but the review by the National Academy of Sciences also cautioned that some problems may have been caused by inadvertent interactions involving vehicle electronics — an issue frequently cited by the automaker’s critics.When did this problem crop up? It started in the summer of 2009 after an accident that resulted in the death of a California Patrol Officer and members of his family. They had been driving a borrowed Lexus at the time. According to Toyota this accident was caused by a problem with carpet entrapment. In January of 2010, however, "it added millions more due to a potentially sticky accelorator linkage" (Eisenstein.)
After having a Toyota myself (1998 Toyota Camry) and experienced an accident while driving I know that they are safe, particularly during collisions. The recent news of the unsolved mystery of the acceleration cases has me questioning whether I would even consider purchasing a Toyota in the future. At the current rate, I will stick with either Volkswagen or Volvo.
Further Reading: Toyota Memo Acceleration Concerns, Drivers Again Faulted Over Toyota Acceleration, OPINION: Toyota's Acceleration Problem, Driver error found in some Toyota acceleration cases, Toyota Acceleration Problem is Still Unresolved
Toyota Recalls:
Safety Recall
Pedal Recall
Thursday, March 1, 2012
North Korea to Receive Food, Nuclear Research Suspended?
The United States and North Korea have made in agreement in which North Korea will suspend its nuclear program in order to receive the much needed food aid. Rather than sending the rice and grains that had sent the previous time they are now sending infant formula and high protein bars. This is a step that is made in order to ensure that the food gets to the most needy and isn't placed on the tables of the military and the elite. Here an experts comments on the agreement:
U.S Cautiously Optimistic After Food Deal With North Korea
U.S Cautiously Optimistic After Food Deal With North Korea
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